Archive for September, 2006



ok. last post about thailand (i think). the temple of the reclining buddha is actually this huge compound with tons of temples and statuaries. and so there is far more than just one buddha. the reclining buddha is just the largest and most famous. before one of the smaller buddhas was the can / basket […]

this is the R8. this is not a concept car. audi is actually selling this race inspired quattro beautiful monster. everything about it says GO FAST. NOW. don’t worry, i’ll get you there. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. this, me, open freeway (ohhh autostrada) – then i can die.

the truth


in addition to some misconceptions about what happened politically over there, there are a number of things i didn’t realize about thailand til i went there. now you can either be better prepared than me or pretend like you’ve already been. 1. the thai love their king. and love is probably not even a strong […]

just imagine it. it’s friday night and every parent and kid in every town has pretty much one thing on their mind – the big game. only instead of the big game, it’s the big fights. just like how saturday is the big day for college and pro sports in the US, it is the […]

the last time i had a day like today was when i was 21. seriously. i remember the champs would all gather at gideon’s family resort in the catskills and we would just get silly. go on hikes or for a ride. eat pizza. play volleyball or some made-up game poorly. talk all night. today […]

bad thaiming


well, somehow while i was somewhere over the pacific, the thai military held a coup and are attempting to depose the current prime minister. i flew directly into phuket and had no clue there was even anything wrong. things down here are totally normal. the only disturbance is in bangkok so far. the good news […]

dear civilians, today i am the bearer of bad news. stencils as a high art form are dead. this weekend marks the official death of the stencil as banksy, the undisputed king of the artform, has just closed a show where despite the presence of stencils, they were no longer the focus at all. maybe […]

so much goodness one post can barely contain it. i’m gonna be gone for a while. a long while. so there’s alot here to keep you occupied in the meantime. love shooz? get ringtones! “bitch. pick up the phone” someone read pattern recognition. the mystery of youtube phenom lonelygirl15 has been solved. fred phelps is […]

catch up


this weekend was mighty busy. i spent alot of time shuffling from one thing to another, and thanks to the closure of the bay bridge, the shuffling took much longer than normal. much motorcycle stuff, and a little bit of a work out epiphany is selfish news, but it’s better than listening to me whine. […]

so in order to let the catholic church off the hook, ohio has approved new rules that would let anyone be named as a known sex offender and publicly tracked even if that person has never been convicted, or even legally accused of being a sex offender. the best part? if you are put on […]